Saturday, April 19, 2008

My Best Friend

Remember those days, back in high school, where you HATED Valentine's Day, or Homecoming Week or Prom season, when you were depressed because it seemed that EVERYONE had a boyfriend except you? Remember how you felt when girls were getting roses, kisses by their lockers, or were telling stories of their dates the weekend before. Were you jealous? Depressed? Pissed off? I am ALL of those things right now. I go to dinner with the boys and suddenly it seems EVERYONE around me is with someone. I watch the Cubs game and all I see are couples, couples, couples. I go for a walk with the boys and I see Moms AND Dads with their kids at the park, going to lunch, running errands. I miss my husband more than I ever thought possible. He is my best friend. Sometimes we don't act like best friends... shoot... sometimes you have to wonder if we treat our enemies better, but, in the end, there is no one else in this world that I would want to share my life with. I see that more now than ever. I gave my rings to the jeweler today to be cleaned and polished. Now I feel more alone than ever. I feel like he is getting further and further away from me the more that time goes on, and, technically speaking, he will be. Iraq is a LONG way away. His return date isn't even determined, heck, his LEAVE date isn't even determined. I just want him to go ... so that I can have him back.
I miss him.


Anonymous said...

I have absolute no idea how hard this must be, I mean I can't even comprehend being away from him for that long. I LOVE the pictures of you two - that wedding picture is beautiful. *sigh*

Anonymous said...

absolutely* no idea. Damn me for not spell checking.