Saturday, April 12, 2008

Cute moment

So, I put Joshua to bed at 8:00. My girlfriend read him a bedtime story, I said prayers with him, and I kissed him good night. I always allow him to read his book if he wants, as long as he stays in bed. Typically, I go up and check on him 15 minutes later and he has crawled under the covers and fallen asleep.
I was sitting downstairs, enjoying the fact that BOTH boys were in bed, finishing my glass of wine and watching Dirty Dancing when I heard something upstairs.
I went to check on the boys. Joseph was still sleeping well. When I opened Joshua's door, there he was sitting by his nightlight with books scattered all around him and he was reading.
He said, "I am OK Mommy, I am just reading this book. I am OK. I will lay down when I am tired."
Aw! As much as I wanted him in bed, I am happy he is quiet and reading. Maybe this means I will get some extra sleep out of him tomorrow morning! It was one of those moments that brought tears to my eyes ... and I want to remember for a long time (especially during his next tantrum).

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