Friday, April 4, 2008

Friday Fill-ins .... and other stuff

Its amazing what a better night sleep can do for a person ... Joseph cooperated much better last night. We went to Target yesterday and switched his formula. Target makes a brand that has broken down whey protein, with 1/4 less lactose (the same as Good Start - which Joshua had to use) ... the good thing - its STILL $12 less per can then the Good Start and $20 less per can than Enfamil .... WHY would I buy the other stuff. I checked the can - it is all EXACTLY the same ingredients, I am just not paying for advertising dollars! So ... hopefully this formula switch can lead to kinder, gentler nights!
Trying to plan my next few weeks - I have a lot to do .... easy to out Joshua into day care ... but Joseph is still too young. I am going to need my haircut before my sister's wedding, maybe a few tanning sessions ... I just have to find time to get someone to come watch the little dude while I go about my business.
Wondering when my C-section belly will go away. I still don't feel comfortable wearing normal people pants (the gut still sticks out and the bruising is still pretty low on my tummy) ... I have one month till my trip to Tampa and my sister's wedding ... I need to figure this thing out. I have been doing pretty well on my diet - sticking to my 1600 calorie limit pretty well .... we will see how I do over the weekend!!!!!!

Friday Fill-Ins:
1. Tonight I saw (I will see) a friend for dinner.

2. Good music at a wedding makes me want to dance!

3. Spitting a few appetizers between friends is something I LOVE to do!

4. My friend Christy is someone I would like to get to know better.

5. Cubs games, lilacs and lawnmowers remind me so much of springtime.

6. I went to bed at 9:00 last night and that made it all better.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I am looking forward to having my girlfriend over for dinner and chatting tomorrow my plans include lunch with a dear friend and Sunday, we will head to Mass and maybe the Forest Preserve for a long walk in the 60 degree weather.

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