Wednesday, April 2, 2008

An Inventory of my "Incompletions"

1. Things I want to start but haven't started:
Exercising ... once I get the green light from the doctor I will have no excuses.
Believing that I will survive until Eric comes home.
The T-shirt quilt that I have been wanting to make since 1999.

2. Things I want to change but haven't changed:
My body. Even without the baby I have some parts I have to change.
My attitude - I have to become more optimistic.

3. Things I want to stop but haven't stopped:

4. Things I started but haven't finished:
Scrapbooking - I so badly want to start back up again.

5. Things I want to do but haven't done:
Have a girls getaway weekend.
Visit Medjugorie.

6. Things I want to say but haven't said:
I want to tell a few "friends" that you are NOT as important as you think and I have no time for you.
I want to tell an ex-boyfriend that his abuse only made me stronger.

7. Things I want to learn but haven't learned:
I want to learn how to sew better.
I want to learn to like what I see in the mirror.
I want to learn how to hook up my entertainment center ... I feel like such a dufus!!!!!

8. Feelings I have but haven't expressed:
Anger towards people who have hurt or ignored my husband.
Sadness over the lack of involvement my in-laws have with my children.

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