Monday, June 2, 2008

Weekend and other stuff.....

Less than one week to "back to work" day. :(

The weekend flew by .... spent TONS of time outside. Even got a little sunburn on my shoulders! Let Big J run through the sprinklers on Saturday ... it was fun until he came running up on the deck and got a splinter in his foot. He went nuts! He kept yelling at me to "leave it in!" He felt better when we had our "picnic" that night, and we ate our grilled burgers with some chips and salsa.

Went to a grad party on Sunday with E's family. It was an enjoyable time ... Big J got to run around and play - it wore him out pretty well.

We walked to the park today ... Big J tripped on the sidewalk and skinned both of his knees... poor kid - cried like you wouldn't believe ... freaked out even more when I put patches on the scrapes! We had fun at the park, though.

Took him to dinner - his favorite: tacos - and he spilled his Orange pop ALL over himself - and me. Then he screamed like someone was ripping his arm off of his body. Lovely. It was such a calming experience (can you sense ANY sarcasm what so ever????).

I am tired. I had a dream about E last night. He had come home, just knocked on the door and said "I'm back." Waking up sucked. I miss him ..... I wonder if the "missing" part ever just subsides for a while .....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LMAO... yea... he did scream like someone was ripping his arm off that's a good way to describe it! Thanks for meeting me today... it was nice to get my mind off everything (moving, packing, missing Kevin, money, cleaning the apartment when we move out, furniture delivery....ughhhh) for a little while!