Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sunday Night Blues

Wow - I forgot what this feels like. I have been so used to planning our week ... what days I was going to do chores, when we would meet up with friends, when we would do our errand running .... Now, I am planning on how to pack up diapers, bottles, babies, computers, etc so that I can make the morning as seamless as possible!!!!!
Ugh ... I think the depression set in on Thursday. From missing E a LOT lately, to the anxiety that was kicking in about going back to work - I was not a fun person to be around this weekend!
Luckily a friend came by on Friday night for some beer and conversation ... and the sun ended up shining today so Big J, little j and I could go out for some ice cream and a walk.
I know it won't be THAT bad going back. Like everyone has told me - maybe getting away and getting into a routine will do me some good .... but I must tell you - the way I feel? I think I may seriously have to figure out "what color my parachute" really is!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GOOD LUCK today and I hope it goes smoothly. Well, smoother than expected at least. I'll be here all day if you need to vent!! I have my computer set up at work at the new desk :)