Thursday, June 5, 2008

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Songs I cannot Stand:

1. Tainted Love - Soft Cell: Ever since I heard they were singing about gay sex ... it just killed it for me.

2. My Heart Will Go On - Celine Dion: Just a bunch of whining if you ask me. And when a love sons becomes EVERYONE'S song ... it loses that special meaning, ya know?

3. Crocodile Rock - Elton John: Actually I really don't like much of ANYTHING by Elton John ... but this song??? La - la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la ... It took a genius to write those lyrics??????

4. I Would do Anything for Love- Meatloaf - (or anything else for that matter) I think all of his songs are way over the top and I just never got into any of the Bat Out of Hell hype.

5. La Isla Bonita - Madonna: Ugh. I just hated it.

6. Mmmm Bop - Hansen: I loved New Kids in my day (don't go there) but these were boys who hadn't even hit puberty!!! Shoot - they were so young they just thought of mmm bop ? My two year old could come up with better words!

7. Truly Madly Deeply - Savage Garden: How many people used this as their wedding song this year? I hated it.It was just ... wimpy.

8. I Don't Wanna Wait (artist? Its that song that was the Dawson's Creek Theme) - AAAHHHH This song just sounded like the show - whiny and annoying.

9. Anything by Macy Gray: I HATE her voice. hate it hate it hate it .... it sounds like she rubbed sandpaper on her throat and then sings through a paper towel tube!!!!

10. Do they Know Its Christmas- Band Aid: Yes, it was touching when it first came out ... but GET over it! There are so many great Christmas songs out there and this one is played ad nauseum every Christmas season. ACH!

11. Mmmm Mmmm Mmmmm - Crash Test Dummies: I heard this song yesterday, which is what sparked this list. This guy's voice drove me nuts ... let alone the HORRIBLE melody and awful lyrics.

12. I Will Always Love You - Whitney Houston: So over played. So over the top. Yuck.

13. What if God was One of Us - I forget who sings this ... but the song became exceptionally annoying the SECOND (and 100th) time I heard it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AAAAHHH I love Tainted Love! Now that I know what it's really about, I won't sing it with nearly as much passion. Sigh.