Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Germs Germs and more Germs

Well - both boys are sick. Runny nose, scratchy cough. And what am I doing? Getting ready for work because I have to pick some dude up from O'Hare to show him what we do all day. WTF?

I mean, if my life TRULY was prioritized, these boys would be staying home with Mommy today. I decided last night that yes, it is time I brush up my resume and look for other opportunities. This job that I once loved (and would have been PERFECT for raising a family) is suddenly no longer fun, no longer flexible .... plain old yucky.

What am I going to do? Well - for starters .... we will be washing our hands all day today (we need to get rude of those yucky germs!)... and I will be washing up the cobwebs in my brain so that I might think of where I could actually work (and leave those "germs" that I work for) AND take care of my kids.

Anyone have any ideas?????

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