Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The countdown begins......

I feel so empowered, I actually made some changes to my page! Wow!!! :)

Starting to get a bit antsy over here .... every new twinge, pull, pain, movement .... it all sets me into an anxiety free for all. I am SO worried that this kid is going to decide he wants to see the world before we are ready.

Every second that gets closer to when my parents land tomorrow and when E lands tomorrow night, is one second closer to us making it through an entire pregnancy without an emergency. I am PRAYING that it stays that way!

I must say, I am NOT a happy pregnant lady ... all those women who love to rub their bellies because they are so overjoyed .... well - that is SO not me! I would rather deal with the sleepless nights of an infant than with the weight gain, the tents for shirts, peeing every 5 seconds, contractions, constipation, lack of alcohol in my system ....... should I continue or just leave it at that? I LIKE being Mommy .... but not Mommy-to-be!!!!!!

So ..... this child only needs to wait about 24 more hours and I will have people here who can help me ..... in 48 hours ... well .... Welcome to the world little one! so.... the countdown begins .......

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